Friday, September 7, 2012

Chapter 6

Before we start, we'd like to thank everyone for reading & rec'ing our story.


 Chapter 6 is a continuation of five. Anthony's alter ego, Edward, and Bella are wandering through Forest Meadows. He wants to learn everything about her, and she is only learning the beginning of who he is.


Florence and the Machine - Heavy In Your Arms
3 Doors Down - Loser
Matchbox 20 - Hand me Down
Matchbox 20 - Bent
Fall Out Boy - 27
The Twilight Saga: New Moon score


Dr. Kate
A sick psychopath, Dr. Kate enjoys torturing those she feels are beneath her (which is most everyone) more than anything else. A degree is the only separating her from a tiny padded room of her own in our quaint little hospital.

 I'm not sure about IJM's choice to play Renee. For me, there was only one woman who could play someone so twisted and in her own world. Glenn Close. Fatal Attraction. She was a freakin' psycho! And just the perfect amount of crazy to be our Renee. 


I think we've already committed Twilight Suicide for not picking the proper Bella (but she's our Bella, not the one from the movie) for our story. Definitely, there is no other man that can play Charlie other than Billy Burke. In out little story, poor Charlie meets an untimely demise. Just as he was getting the investigation into the attempted murder of Edward Masen, Sr. underway.


Shock Therapy
Denali Wing, Forest Meadows

 "Welcome to Shock Therapy. I'll be your attending physician, Dr. Kate. Shock Therapy is my specialty. There is something about using the power of electricity to rid a patient of their ailments that just gets me off. Its thrilling. Electric. You can feel it in the air and through their screams. It takes many, many  years of treatment before a patient is healed. That is if they can survive."

~ Dr. Kate

~*~*Our Usual Disclaimers & Warning*~*~
Chapter 6! And it's not even to the good part yet...
Thank you so much for reading!

Disclaimer: We do not own Twilight, How to Be, Little Ashes, Remember Me, Bel Ami, Unbound Captives, Vanity Fair, Curse of the Ring, The Summer House, Goblet of Fire, The Bad Mother's Handbook, Cosmopolis, Water for Elephants, or The Haunted Airman. Further, we do not own, nor are we affiliated with any of the faux cast we created on this blog. However, Robert Pattinson and I have been in a fake relationship for nearly five years now, he totally owns me, and DJ is running away with Jackson Rathbone as soon as he arrives to collect her. (Which I, DJ, hope is really soon.) Lastly, we were not paid to write this story but we did have a lot of great conversations and laughs so, you know, it evens out. We do not condone any of the behaviour in this story. It is a story and for entertainment purposes only.
Warnings: This story deals with graphic material, ranging from sexual situations, mature language, and, instances of abuse up to and including homicide. Rest assured, nothing was put in for the sake of shock value. All things have a time and place under heaven, or so I've been told.
Characters: Our characters, while represented by real actors, are entirely fictional. You should in no way infer that anything we've said about our character in personality or action applies to the person we have chosen to represent said character. We like to think we are casting directors and chose the person based on talent and ability to play the light and dark side of each character.

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